Enamel Infiltration in Molar Incisor Hypomineralization.


With its series of dental science events, Interdentale forms the core of DMG’s course programme for students engaged in clinical courses, newly-qualified dentists and those setting up their own practice.

The programme is broad in content and covers everything from clinical approaches and innovative treatment methods to communication, interpersonal skills and business management. Leading speakers from university and dental practice support you by presentations, live treatments, live demos, interviews, panel discussions and workshops.

Here you can find more information about this innovative event series.

20:00 – 21:30 UTC+02


Please note that the webinar will be held in Spanish language and check your actual local time. 

8 PM Berlin & Madrid / 12 PM Mexico City


The management of enamel opacities is a real challenge for the Dentists. Enamel opacities ranging from white, cream-colored spots to dark opacities with loss of dental structure are frequently associated with developmental defects of enamel, the most frequent being Molar Incisor Hypomineralization. Different treatment alternatives have been proposed, including composite restorations, enamel microabrasion and, more recently, enamel infiltration, the latter with various advantages among which we can mention the ability to protect the affected enamel, "masking" the lesions and returning the natural appearance of healthy enamel.
Sometimes these defects in enamel development are also associated with post-eruptive breakdown, making it necessary to restore it with adhesive materials.

In this presentation we will review some important aspects related to adhesion to hypomineralized enamel as well as enamel infiltration with ICON as strategy to solve adhesive failures related to the affected enamel.

Finally, as usual, we will take enough time for your questions and discussions.


Graduated from Dental School of Universidad Intercontinental in Mexico City.
Degree in Pediatric Dentistry from Universidad Intercontinental, 1988 and Orthodontics from IDAP, 1999. Professor of Mexican Dental Association since 1991, autor of multiple publications and international speaker. Former President of Mexican Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Private practice as Pediatric Dentist and Orthodontist in Veracruz, Mexico.

Member of International Association of Pediatric Dentistry, Mexican Dental Association, Latin-American Association of Pediatric Dentistry and Mexican Academy of Pediatric Dentistry.

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