Not only documentation - dental photography is an USP for your dental practice!
This Interdentale online event will give you an insight into the huge field of dental photography and its diverse possibilities.
In this session you will learn the principles of photography and the settings needed to take a photo of a quality, you have probably never achieved before.
Photography is a tool, that we have to use in times of social media. We will talk about Emotional Marketing, "Power Of Lines", Instagram insights, target groups, USPs etc. to show you a way, how to use your photos in order to present your dental practice to the outside world.
We have no choice whether we digitally transform, the choice is, how well we do it.
We will then take some time, as always, for your questions and discussions.
Any questions left?
Our team of the Clinical Research Department is looking forward to answering your questions under +49 (0) 40 84006 348 or email at

After my exams in 2006 and my appointment as a specialist in orthodontics by the Dental Association of Thuringia in 2011, I founded the specialist practice “Kieferorthopädie am Inselpark”. In addition to my patient care and teaching at the Jena University Hospital, I was responsible for Quality Management in the Department of Orthodontics. Since the founding of the basketball club “Hamburg Towers” in 2013 I've been the team dentist of the professional team.
Professional career
2001 – 2006
Studying dentistry at the University Hamburg Eppendorf
2006 – 2008
Resident doctor Dr Frank Hennig, Quickborn
2008 - 2009
Specialist training at orthodontic specialist clinic Dr Robert Kaspar, Bremen
PhD at the maxillo facial surgery department at the University Hospital Hamburg Eppen-dorf, Dir. Prof Schmelzle
2009 – 2010
Resident in the department of orthodontics at the University Hospital Jena
2010 – 2011
Specialist training at orthodontic specialist clinic Dr Iian Anderson, Wedel
Appointment as a specialist in orthodontics, Dental association Thüringen
2012 – 2013
Establishing an orthodontic department for “Zahnärztehaus Buchholz Fr. Dr. Cordesmeyer & Kollegen”
Founding the specialist clinic “Kieferorthopädie am Inselpark”, Hamburg
Since 2013
Teamdentist of professional Basketballteam “Veolia Hamburg Towers”
Establishing the international dental course in photography “When The Pictures Really Mat-ters” in Hamburg
Founding the course series “Visual Story Telling“, Co-founder Dr Andreas Benecke
Speaker for American Orthodontics
2022 international lectures in Arabic and English language
Incognito 3M
German, Arabic, English
I am married and we have 3 children. I was a youth football coach for more than 7 years.
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