DMG supports the dental aid organisation “Daylight For All”

Turkey has one of the largest refugee populations in the world as a result of its geographical location and political instability in neighbouring regions. Many of the refugees are dependent on humanitarian aid. There is a significant deficit in dental care in particular. The aid organisation Daylight For All is committed to providing dental care for refugees in need within Turkey. We at DMG are supporting this valuable commitment

Dental aid recognised by the German Dental Association

Many refugees don’t receive dental treatment after they arrive in Turkey. Dental services are often expensive and government healthcare packages only cover them to a very limited extent. This is where Daylight for All comes in. The Dortmund-based non-profit organisation has been dedicated to providing dental care for refugees in Turkey since 2020. Daylight for All is officially recognised by the German Dental Association.

Dental aid thrives on collaboration 

The Daylight for All pilot project is centred in Ankara. Around 14,000 treatments are carried out there each year in dental clinics specifically set up for refugees. This wouldn't be possible without the help of charitable trusts, associations and dental companies like DMG. Donations are used for buying dental treatment materials, laboratory costs, dentist fees and ongoing dental clinic expenses.
A special word of thanks goes out to the dentists and dental assistants working there. They all put in a lot of hard work to do justice to the organisation's philosophy: “Be there for others and draw strength from your actions”.

Photo: Daylight for all gUG