Ecosite Elements by DMG: Find out about ‘The Modern Art of Composite’ for free

With Ecosite Elements, DMG offers a modern composite system with which around 98% of all typical restorations can be managed – especially for aesthetically challenging cases. And it’s particularly simple and efficient.

Find out everything you’d like to know for free right now: Ecosite Elements

Exceptional handling 
Thanks to the NC1 (‘non-clustering’) technology that DMG developed, the composite is firm or malleable, depending on what the situation requires. During the modelling process, the initial firm consistency quickly becomes noticeably softer. This makes the work a great deal easier. Thanks to the push-and-flow effect, the material can be securely adapted to the cavity walls, still enabling accurate design of anatomical details.

High efficiency
Ecosite Elements is practically reduced to the essentials. The system consists of three modules, which can be ordered individually, for different working techniques: ‘PURE’, ‘LAYER’ and ‘HIGHLIGHT’. Particularly natural-looking restorations can be fabricated by combining the PURE and LAYER shades in a layering technique. The process is quick and straightforward, with a pleasantly clear colour palette. The Ecosite Elements system is rounded off by complementary workflow tools such as the colour key with layer combination, the practical drawer insert and the particularly ergonomic dispenser.

Familiarise yourself with the solution free of charge: order a free sample now!
With our sample campaign, convincing yourself of the benefits of Ecosite Elements couldn’t be any easier. Free of charge and without any obligation. Read more here.