Infiltration with Icon: A game changer for patients with developmental enamel opacities
The minimally invasive infiltration procedure with Icon Vestibular offers an effective and gentle solution, e.g. for MIH on anterior teeth. The treated area adapts seamlessly to the healthy enamel. Infiltration gently improves aesthetic appearance in cases of MIH. It also preserves the healthy tooth structure – a decisive advantage in the treatment of young patients.
Gentle bleaching for optimum overall results
To achieve a harmonious overall aesthetic result, it is advisable to whiten the teeth before infiltration. Flairesse Bleaching Gel from DMG sees the introduction of a medical product that enables gentle whitening in patients (often younger ones) thanks to its mild concentration of CP 5% or 10%.
Precision-fit 3D bleaching tray with DentaMile
Another valuable treatment component is the 3D-printed DentaMile bleaching tray. Its decisive benefit is its precision reservoirs which can be custom adapted to the specific patient situation, as well as its outstanding edge sealing. This ensures bleach is only applied where it is actually needed.
Those interested can see the new possibilities of MIH treatment for themselves at the DMG stand in Hall 10.1.
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