Icon Online Convention: The online seminar event on infiltration therapy

The range of continuing education events provided by the DMG Online Academy is starting with a real highlight in the new year! From 1 to 3 February, the second Icon Online Convention offers a multi-part package on the subject of infiltration treatment. Participation is free and will be rewarded with 6 seminar points.


In the spotlight: microinvasive opportunities.
The Icon Online Convention, consisting of three consecutive online seminars on three evenings, is dedicated to various aspects of infiltration therapy. Topics will cover everything from proximal and vestibular applications to correct diagnosis and the limitations of treatment.

6 seminar points, no participation fees.
Prof Dr Michael Knösel, Dr Christoph Schoppmeier and PD Dr Michael Wicht, some of the most renowned German infiltration experts, have been brought on board as speakers.

6 seminar points will be awarded for free participation in the entire event. Registration for individual modules is not possible.

All the information on the Icon Online Convention and a link to the online registration can be found here.