Next Interdentale online session on 6 February 2024 - Dr Gianluca Plotino focusses on a paradigm shift in endodontics.
Clinical studies demonstrate that long term prognosis of the root filled teeth is influenced by the quality of the restoration as well as by the quality of the root canal treatment itself. The most recent trends are following the concept of mini-mally invasive dentistry, proposing more conservative, less expensive and bio-economic treatments. Following these trends, the procedures in endodontics are changing in a conservative way, sometimes drastically if compared with the traditional concepts of access cavity outline opening, coronal straight-line access to reach the apical region and enlargement of root canals.
The present lecture will analyze the technical procedures of minimally invasive endodontics in different clinical situations. Moreover, the limits of these procedures will be critically analyzed to define how much minimally invasive clinicians should be in order to ensure gold standard endodontic treatments.
For more detailed information and to register for free, click here.
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Sustainability at DMG – the personal way: Katja Böttcher
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