Sustainability at DMG – the personal way: Amelie Masberg

Our aim with this series is to share sustainability ideas using a very personal approach. We will be featuring a variety of DMG employees and their individual tips for making everyday life more sustainable. Today: Amelie Masberg, production planner at DMG’s planning department.

Amelie Masberg, production planner at DMG

Amelie’s interest in sustainability began at an early age – she has been particularly concerned about animal welfare since she was ten years old. She began to question the ethics of animal husbandry, and eventually became vegetarian at the age of 13. “Food in all its forms is the main sustainability topic that I deal with every day,” says Amelie.

3 sustainability tips from Amelie Masberg

A more sustainable diet
In addition to not eating meat, Amelie buys mostly regional and unpackaged food. She also believes that more people should start bringing their own containers or exploring their options for using returnable packaging when they buy takeaway food.

Unplug it!
“People always think that it is lighting that consumes the most electricity, but it is actually appliances such as TVs plugged into the socket – even when they are turned off.” Even plugged-in chargers that are not connected to any device use up electricity. For this reason, you should always make sure that plugs are disconnected from the socket when their device is not in use and use sockets that have switches.

One step at a time
“Sustainability topics often seem very abstract and far removed from day-to-day life – we need to make them real by actively learning what small steps we can take in our daily lives.” Amelie believes that there is a lot we can accomplish just by making small individual changes. “If we all make a small change, it adds up to one big change.”