New Interdentale online seminar: Identifying and treating MIH

The next round of Interdentale 2021 seminars … Our next online session on 22 June deals with the subject of molar incisor hypomineralisation and it is hosted by Prof Dr Katrin Bekes. And you are cordially invited. We’d love to see you there!


Identifying and treating chalky teeth – how to approach patients with molar incisor hypomineralisation
Treating children with molar incisor hypomineralisation (MIH) is increasingly important in dental practice.

What causes MIH? How is it diagnosed and what options are there for therapy? Prof Katrin Bekes from the University of Vienna and Dr Susanne Effenberger, Head of Clinical Research at DMG, will answer these and many other questions in this online event.

The event will provide both the scientific background and many valuable practical tips.

Participation is free and will be rewarded with 2 seminar points.

Julia Kunert will be happy to answer any questions or receive suggestions regarding Interdentale. Simply send an email to: clinicalresearch(at)

For more detailed information and to register for free, go to