‘The fascination with 3D printing’: article published on the importance of validation

The trade magazine ‘das dental labor’ (The Dental Laboratory) has focused extensively on the subject of 3D printing in recent issues. In the ninth part of its series ‘The fascination with 3D printing’, which has just been published, a closer look is taken at the aspect of validation.

We are particularly pleased about this article here at DMG. Firstly, because the validation of digital workflows, where all components are taken into account, is essential for obtaining reliably accurate results. And secondly, because the authors of this article are not only recognised experts, but also our colleagues. Dr Jens Träger and Kai Billerbeck both work at the DMG Digital Application Centre, where digital applications are tested and validated.

In this current article, the authors outline why DLP technology is particularly suited to dental 3D printing. The importance of coordinating and validating process parameters and measuring produced components with accuracy is also explored, not to mention the related issue of biocompatibility. To find out more, read the article for yourself …

The complete article can be found below as a PDF file.