Review article on fluorosis treatment with Icon and bleaching

A review article on the treatment of fluorosis, written in collaboration with PD Dr Michael Wicht from the University of Cologne, was published in the Journal of Dentistry last year: “Masking efficacy of bleaching and/or resin infiltration of fluorotic spots on anterior teeth – a systematic review and meta-analysis”.

A review article on the treatment of fluorosis, written in collaboration with Dr Michael Wicht from the University of Cologne, was published in the Journal of Dentistry last year:
“Masking efficacy of bleaching and/or resin infiltration of fluorotic spots on anterior teeth – a systematic review and meta-analysis”.

The aim was to collect, evaluate and summarise studies on the treatment of fluorosis with bleaching and/or Icon. In this context, the focus was on how effectively white to light brown fluorosis spots can be made to match the colour of healthy tooth enamel.

The results show that both bleaching and resin infiltration with Icon are effective methods for masking fluorosis.

Combining the two methods achieves even better results and is therefore a promising option for the aesthetic improvement of fluorotic teeth.

The full English-language article is available to read and download here.