LuxaFlow Star. Aesthetic temporary restoration repairs, small fillings and underfillings.

LuxaFlow Star – the straightforward way of repairing temporaries

LuxaFlow Star

Flowable light-curing composite

Perfect for add-ons and repairs of temporaries

Also suited for small fillings and underfillings

Temporary repair with Luer-Lock Tip

LuxaFlow Star in detail


The flowable, light-curing composite is well-suited to add-ons and repairs of Luxatemp temporaries, not to mention all other bis-acrylates. Furthermore, LuxaFlow can be used for small fillings of the cavity classes III, IV and V, and minimally invasive fillings and underfillings.

Temporary with spatula
Easy application thanks to Luer-Lock Tips or even the Heidemann spatula.

Starter pack: LuxaFlow Star

4 Syringes @ 1.5 g

20 Luer-Lock Tips Black shades: A1, A2, A3.5, B1

REF 214000

Refill pack: LuxaFlow Star, shade A1

2 Syringes @ 1.5 g

10 Luer-Lock Tips Black

REF 214001

Refill pack: LuxaFlow Star, shade A2

2 Syringes @ 1.5 g

10 Luer-Lock Tips Black

REF 214002

Refill pack: LuxaFlow Star, shade A3

2 Syringes @ 1.5 g

10 Luer-Lock Tips Black

REF 214003

Refill pack: LuxaFlow Star, shade A3.5

2 Syringes @ 1.5 g

10 Luer-Lock Tips Black

REF 214004

Refill pack: LuxaFlow Star, shade B1

2 Syringes @ 1.5 g

10 Luer-Lock Tips Black

REF 214005

Accessories: LuxaFlow Star, 60 Luer-Lock Tips Black

REF 211477

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