Temporary luting of crowns, bridges, inlays and onlays.

TempoCem NE

TempoCem NE is your self-mixing, classic, temporary cement without eugenol. It is ideally suited to temporary luting of temporary and permanent crowns, bridges, inlays and onlays, not least due to its very thin film thickness.

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TempoCem NE – self-mixing, self-curing, eugenol-free.

TempoCem NE

Temporary cement with classical application opportunities

Ideal working properties, adhesion and excess removal


Tooth encased in cement

TempoCem NE in detail


TempoCem NE is your classic temporary cement without eugenol. Its excellent material properties make it the ideal partner for temporary luting of temporary and permanent crowns, bridges, inlays and onlays. Thanks to self-mixing in the Automix or Smartmix Dispenser, you have the option of applying the material directly into the temporary. This makes the workflow a great deal easier and guarantees the best material properties: adhesion, removability and excess removal – always ideal. For each indication. Of course, your patient benefits from this too. Incidentally: TempoCem NE and Luxatemp are THE dream team for temporary restorations. This temporary luting cement is free from eugenol – and can therefore be used for all temporary insertions, whether the final luting is conventional or adhesive. Thanks to its very thin film thickness (under 20 μm!), TempoCem NE provides a precise fit.

Removing the excess cement from the tooth with a probe
Removal of excess material after curing.

Pack: TempoCem NE, 2 Smartmix Syringes @ 5 ml, 20 Smartmix Tips Short

REF 212104

Pack: TempoCem NE, 1 cartridge @ 25 ml, 35 Automix Tips Blue 1:1

REF 110272

Accessories: TempoCem NE, 50 Smartmix Tips Short

REF 212040

Accessories: TempoCem NE, 100 Automix Tips Blue 1:1

REF 110267

Accessories: TempoCem NE, 50 Automix Tips Blue 1:1

REF 110266

Accessories: TempoCem NE, 1 Automix Dispenser Type 25 1:1

REF 110253

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