DMG Retraction Paste.
Your uncomplicated impression aide.

DMG Retraction Paste

The DMG Retraction Paste, made from a base of natural alumina, enables easy and effective temporary sulcus expansion – making taking impressions a straightforward and precise process.


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DMG Retraction Paste

Easy access by flexible cannula

Remains secure in the sulcus thanks to optimum consistency

Effective gingival made from a base of natural alumina

DMG Retraction Paste in detail

Every accurate restoration relies on a precise impression. DMG Retraction Paste helps you with your work by making temporary sulcus expansion easier and more effective.

  • An individually bendable compule allows for extremely easy application at any point in the patient’s mouth.
  • The material remains at the applied site, optimally takes effect there and is clearly visible in the sulcus.
  • The homogeneous consistency ensures optimum results for temporary sulcus retraction
Flexible cannula is easy to adapt
The cannula is easily adaptable to every situation

Pack: DMG Retraction Paste

25 Compules @ 0.37 g

REF 919381

Accessories: DMG Retraction Paste, 1 Safetip Dispenser

REF 213122

Accessories: DMG Retraction Paste, 1 Safetip Dispenser Pro

REF 220829