Honigum Pro Heavy

The specialist for implant impressions
with high final hardness



Honigum Pro Heavy

High final hardness

Convenient insertion resistance

Trouble-free and safe removal

Fixation of the impression posts

Details of Honigum Pro Heavy

Honigum Pro Heavy is also ideally suited to taking implant impressions. Thanks to its unique structure, the material flows particularly well around the impression posts and transfer caps – but nevertheless reliably remains at the application site. Due to the fast setting behaviour and the high final hardness, impression posts and transfer caps are reliably fixed, thereby preventing torsion. Another plus point is the precise reproduction of gingival structures. Honigum Pro Heavy is also available in the Fast version.

Pack: Honigum Pro Heavy, 1 cartridge @ 380 ml, 10 MixStar Tips Blue

REF 929537

Pack: Honigum Pro Heavy Fast, 1 cartridge @ 380 ml, 10 MixStar Tips Blue

REF 929638

Pack: Honigum Pro Heavy, 2 cartridges @ 50 ml, 4 Automix Green 1:1

REF 929766

Pack: Honigum Pro Heavy Fast, 2 cartridges @ 50 ml, 4 Automix Green 1:1

REF 929838

Economy pack: Honigum Pro Heavy, 5 cartridges @ 380 ml, 50 MixStar Tips Blue

REF 929538

Economy pack: Honigum Pro Heavy Fast, 5 cartridges @ 380 ml, 50 MixStar Tips Blue

REF 929637

Economy pack: Honigum Pro Heavy, 8 cartridges @ 50 ml, 16 Automix Green 1:1

REF 929837

Economy pack: Honigum Pro Heavy Fast, 8 cartridges @ 50 ml, 16 Automix Green 1:1

REF 929839

Accessories: Honigum Pro Heavy, 1 MixStar eMotion 230 V Int.

REF 900480

Accessories: Honigum Pro Heavy, 50 MixStar Tips Blue

REF 903334

Accessories: Honigum Pro Heavy, 1 Automix Dispenser Type 50 1:1

REF 909507

Accessories: Honigum Pro Heavy, 50 Automix Tips Green 1:1

REF 909490

Accessories: Honigum Pro Heavy, 1 bottle @ 10 ml DMG Tray Adhesive

REF 909394

Would you like more Honigum Pro Heavy information? We will be happy to contact you.

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