Protects against sensitivities.


Contax is a light-curing, self-etching and self-conditioning adhesive system that ensures a high level of protection from sensitivities – deliberately in two treatment steps.

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Better safe than sorry.

The Contax Bond penetrates the tooth structure prepared by the Primer and forms a »hybrid layer«. Solid adhesion with the subsequently applied restorative is thus achieved, ensuring a reliable and lasting bond.

Contax can be adapted to the filling material’s curing mode thanks to the Activator. That way, it can be used for light-curing restoratives on the one hand, but also for self-curing or dual-curing restoratives by adding the Activator on the other. The Activator is only needed when the material used is not light-cured.

The mixture consisting of one drop each of Activator and Bond is worked into the cavity. The Contax Activator ensures the bond in the interface between the self-curing or dual-curing material and the Bond.


Application of Contax with light-curing composites:

  • Work in Contax Primer for 20 s.
  • Work in Contax Bond for 20 s.
  • Light curing required

Application of Contax with self- and dual-curing composites:

  • Work in Contax Primer for 20 s.
  • Mix Contax Activator and Contax Bond for 5 s.
  • Work in the mixture of Contax Bond and Activator for 20 s.
  • Light curing required

Contax Primer is self-etching and self-conditioning on enamel and dentine. The possibility of over-etching is therefore eliminated and reliable bonding is guaranteed. The Primer is also water-based, which means that Contax, unlike other systems, is not technique-sensitive and does not lead to over-drying ot the dentine.
With the special pre-treatment, the sensitive collagen fibre network is optimally prepared for the bonding agent. The smear layer is dissolved and modified. This enables reproducible and reliable bonding results and eliminates post-operative sensitivities almost entirely.

Independent studies confirm the very good adhesion of Contax on enamel and dentine. Convincing adhesive bonds are therefore produced regardless of the method, so the performance of Contax always takes one of the top spots among the tested materials. Numerous studies, such as those conducted by the independent US publications »Reality« and »The Dental Advisor«, also confirm the excellent bond strength of more than 20 MPa on enamel and dentine. The Dental Advisor’s take on this: »Lack of post-operative sensitivity was reported as very good.«

Would you like more Contax information? We will be happy to contact you.

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Secure long-term adhesion because of separate priming step

Very technique tolerant, no postoperative sensitivities

No additional etching

Work in Contax Primer for 20 s.

Contax in detail

There is no need for a preliminary etching step, since etching is done by the carboxylic acid contained in the Primer. Since the Primer and Bond are separated, they can fulfil their function perfectly – resulting in bonding values that are clearly superior to single-bottle adhesives. Thanks to the integrated etching step and the water-based Primer, the system is very tolerant regarding the applied technique, and post-operative sensitivities in the patient are all but eliminated – helping you to handle your patient’s health responsibly.

Work in Contax Primer for 20 s.
Working in the Contax Primer for 20 seconds

Starter pack: Contax

1 Bottle @ 5 ml Contax Primer
1 Bottle @ 5 ml Contax Bond
25 Single-use Brushes White
25 Single-use Brushes Red
1 Mixing palette

REF 220263

Starter pack + Activator: Contax

1 Bottle @ 5 ml Primer
1 Bottle @ 5 ml Bond
1 Bottle @ 5 ml Activator
25 Single-use Brushes White
5 Single-use Brushes Red
1 Mixing palette

REF 220282

Refill pack: Contax, 1 Bottle @ 5 ml Contax Primer

REF 220281

Refill pack: Contax, 1 Bottle @ 5 ml Contax Bond

REF 220284

Refill pack: Contax, 1 Bottle @ 5 ml Contax Activator

REF 220283

Accessories: Contax

25 Single-use Brushes White

REF 109320