Silagum Light

Your corrective impression expert with excellent hydrophilicity

Silagum Light

Good hydrophilicity

Flowable viscosity

Available as normal or fast-curing material

Orange mass in the tray

Silagum Light in detail

The use of Silagum Light as the second phase of the correction technique or the double mixing technique ensures a precise impression of the marginal area of the preparation. The tried-and-tested VPS exhibits a convenient viscosity that simplifies the application, but at the same time ensures safe handling by the user.

Pack: Silagum Light

2 Cartridges @ 50 ml, 12 Automix Tips Yellow 1:1

12 Intraoral Tips Yellow

REF 909713

Pack: Silagum Light Fast

2 Cartridges @ 50 ml, 12 Automix Tips Yellow 1:1

12 Intraoral Tips Yellow

REF 909714

Economy pack: Silagum Light

8 Cartridges @ 50 ml, 50 Automix Tips Yellow 1:1

50 Intraoral Tips Yellow

REF 909715

Economy pack: Silagum Light Fast

8 Cartridges @ 50 ml, 50 Automix Tips Yellow 1:1

50 Intraoral Tips Yellow

REF 909720

Accessories: Silagum Light, 1 Automix Dispenser Type 50 10:1

REF 909507

Accessories: Silagum Light, 50 Automix Tips Yellow 1:1

REF 909200

Accessories: Silagum Light, 50 Intraoral Tips Yellow

REF 909222

Would you like more Silagum Light information? We will be happy to contact you.

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