Silagum Mono

Exact reproduction of details thanks to excellent flow properties

Silagum Mono

Excellent flow behaviour for fine details

Easy and precise application with Intraoral-Tips

Remains firm in the tray and on the preparation

Moulded mass in the tray

Silagum Mono in detail

Silagum Mono is the material of choice for one-phase and one-step impressions. It is exceptionally suitable for fixation impressions and also for impressions of crown and bridge preparations. A light mint flavour makes treatment particularly pleasant.

Pack: Silagum Mono

2 Cartridges @ 50 ml
4 Automix Tips Yellow 1:1
4 Intraoral Tips Yellow

REF 909718

Economy pack: Silagum Mono

8 Cartridges @ 50 ml
16 Automix Tips Yellow 1:1
16 Intraoral Tips Yellow

REF 909719

Accessories: Silagum Mono, 1 Automix Dispenser Type 50 10:1

REF 909507

Accessories: Silagum Mono, 50 Automix Tips Yellow 1:1

REF 909200

Accessories: Silagum Mono, 50 Intraoral Tips Yellow

REF 909222

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