Exact bite documentation thanks to exceptional hardness.


LuxaBite enables maximum-precision bite registrations as an essential basis for high-quality, perfect-fit restorations. Thanks to its exceptional hardness, the oral situation can be optimally reproduced – without any need for post-processing.

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Very high final hardness

Barely perceptible resistance when jaw is closed

Excellent stability

LuxaBite applied to the row of teeth

LuxaBite in detail

LuxaBite is based on the innovative bis-acrylate formula. Its thixotropic properties prevent the material from running into the interdental spaces, and its superior final hardness eliminates compression or flexing when repositioning. Implantologists use LuxaBite to fix multiple impression posts for torsion-free implant impressions. The benefits are also appreciated in dental technology: Models can be rigidly positioned, and excess material can be easily removed with cross-toothed milling cutters. LuxaBite is odourless and tasteless too.

Pack: LuxaBite

1 Cartridge @ 50 ml
15 Automix Tips Yellow 10:1

REF 110560

Economy pack: LuxaBite

5 Cartridges @ 50 ml
75 Automix Tips Yellow 10:1

REF 110558

Accessories: LuxaBite, 1 Automix Dispenser Type 50 1:1

REF 110411

Accessories: LuxaBite, 25 Automix Tips Yellow 10:1

REF 110609