Precise bite registration with a fresh orange fragrance.


In addition to its high final hardness, O-Bite also has excellent break resistance – thanks to the vinyl-silicone matrix developed by DMG. The VPS-based material is cross-linked by uniformly long silicone chains, creating a particularly stable cross-linking structure when setting. For the application, this characteristic guarantees high fracture resistance during removal, cutting and repositioning on the model.

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O-Bite: Precision with a fruity-fresh orange fragrance

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Exceptionally high final hardness

Superior fracture resistance

Minimal bite resistance

O-Bite in detail

Due to its high final hardness, O-Bite ensures perfect-fit restorations, since softer silicones yield, making exact articulation no longer possible. This can lead to unwanted bite elevations requiring a time-consuming grinding process. A direct insertion of an elevated restoration may cause significant discomfort in the mandibular joint. With its superior hardness, O-Bite ensures a gnathologically perfect tooth relationship.

Cutting the mass with a scalpel or silicone milling cutter
Easy to cut with a scalpel or a silicone cutter

Pack: O-Bite

2 Cartridges @ 50 ml

12 Automix Tips Pink 1:1

REF 909765

Economy pack: O-Bite

8 Cartridges @ 50 ml

50 Automix Tips Pink 1:1

REF 909767

Accessories: O-Bite, 1 Automix Dispenser Type 50 1:1

REF 909507

Accessories: O-Bite, 50 Automix Tips Pink 1:1

REF 909202

Accessories: O-Bite, 50 Conturation Tips

REF 909203