Honigum Pro Light

High-precision corrective bite registration material
with intelligent flow properties



Honigum Pro Light

Intelligent flow properties

Excellent hydrophilicity and toughness

Easily readable shade contrast

Details of Honigum Pro Light

Honigum Pro Light is characterised by optimum flow behaviour, even beneath the preparation line. This records all the important details for a perfect-fit restoration – from crowns and bridges to inlays and onlays. Additionally, the material has a very high tear resistance, which guarantees safe removal from the mouth without tearing.

Pack: Honigum Pro Light

2 Cartridges @ 50 ml

10 Automix Tips Yellow 1:1

10 Intraoral Tips Yellow

REF 929831

Pack: Honigum Pro Light Fast

2 Cartridges @ 50 ml

10 Automix Tips Yellow 1:1

10 Intraoral Tips Yellow

REF 929832

Economy pack: Honigum Pro Light

8 Cartridges @ 50 ml

40 Automix Tips Yellow 1:1

40 Intraoral Tips Yellow

REF 929835

Economy pack: Honigum Pro Light Fast

8 Cartridges @ 50 ml

40 Automix Tips Yellow 1:1

40 Intraoral Tips Yellow

REF 929836

Accessories: Honigum Pro Light, 1 Automix Dispenser Type 50 1:1

REF 909507

Accessories: Honigum Pro Light, 50 Automix Tips Yellow 1:1

REF 909200

Accessories: Honigum Pro Light, 50 Intraoral Tips Yellow

REF 909222

Product brochure

Instructions for use

Safety datasheets

Would you like more Honigum Pro Light information? We will be happy to contact you.

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