Honigum Pro Scan

Scannable precision: all the benefits of Honigum Pro for the digital workflow



Honigum Pro Scan

Scannable for the digital workflow

No need to buy expensive technology

Reliable reproduction of areas that are difficult to capture using intraoral systems

Impression scanned

Honigum Pro Scan in detail

The scannable variants of Honigum Pro combine the superior properties of Honigum Pro with all the benefits of a digital workflow – with no need for pre-treatment with either scan spray or powder. There’s no need to buy new technology. Once the conventional in-practice work is complete, the precise impression can be digitally recorded in the lab. Sources of error in conventional plaster modelling are eliminated. Additionally, the digital laboratory data is available at any time, enabling concrete coordination between the practitioner and lab even at the planning stage.

Pack: Honigum Pro Scan Heavy, 1 cartridge @ 380 ml, 10 MixStar Tips Blue

REF 929981

Pack: Honigum Pro Scan Heavy, 2 cartridges @ 50 ml, 4 Automix Green 1:1

REF 929983

Pack: Honigum Pro Scan Light, 2 cartridges @ 50 ml, 10 Automix Tips Yellow 1:1, 10 Intraoral Tips Yellow

REF 929984

Accessories: Honigum Pro Scan, 1 MixStar eMotion 230 V Int.

REF 900480

Accessories: Honigum Pro Scan, 50 MixStar Tips Blue

REF 903334

Accessories: Honigum Pro Scan, 1 Automix Dispenser Type 50 1:1

REF 909507

Accessories: Honigum Pro Scan, 50 Automix Tips Green 1:1

REF 909490

Accessories: Honigum Pro Scan, 1 bottle @ 10 ml DMG Tray Adhesive

REF 909394

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